Shreveport Music Company News http://www.shreveportmusic.com Wed, 12 Feb 2025 00:29:21 +0100 FeedCreator 1.7.2 KTBS's Rick Rowe and Shreveport Music http://www.shreveportmusic.com Check out Rick Rowe's story on Shreveport Music. Enjoy!<br /><br /><a href=""><br /><br /></a><br /><br /><br /> 318 Forum Magazine Article About Shreveport Music http://www.shreveportmusic.com Scott Anderson wrote a nice article about Shreveport Music for the Forum. Here is a link to it:<br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />Enjoy! Shreveport Music Company Changes Ownership http://www.shreveportmusic.com Effective May 15th, 2019, Shreveport Music Company has been acquired by local musicians&nbsp;and entrepreneurs Ken Jacobs and Jim Malsch. Shreveport Music is one of the oldest music&nbsp;stores in the country, dating back to 1910. Malsch and Jacobs have aggressive plans to make&nbsp;Shreveport Music a musician&rsquo;s destination, attracting others from outside our area while&nbsp;supporting our local talent. There will be an inventory of quality instruments, music clinics, a&nbsp;vintage guitar room, and an environment where musicians will want to hang out. Malsch quotes<br /><br />&ldquo;I remember coming to Shreveport Music when I was 15 years old. Now 40 years later I am&nbsp;excited to be a part of this Shreveport legacy and look forward to working with my business&nbsp;partner Ken Jacobs and the incredible staff to create a great experience for musicians of all<br />calibers.&rdquo;<br /><br />For the time being it will be business as usual with immediate plans to upgrade the technology,&nbsp;and develop a more robust eCommerce website to give Shreveport Music the ability to sell&nbsp;nationally. Longtime employee, Starrbuck Langley, has been promoted to General Manager and&nbsp;will oversee the day to day operations and all other staff will remain with some converting from&nbsp;part to full time with benefits.<br /><br />Future plans include a brief shutdown to remodel the store including the buildout of soundproof&nbsp;practice rooms, a secure vintage guitar room, and a small stage for clinics. Ken Jacob quotes,&nbsp;&ldquo;Shreveport Music has been such an important piece of the city&rsquo;s music history. Our main goal&nbsp;is to give all musicians in our area a music store they can be truly proud of.&rdquo;